Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapy
Asthma,Cystic Fibrosis, Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis,COPD,Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Service Description
Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapy assists patients with problems affecting your lungs. These difficulties may be as a result of long standing disease, e.g. asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiecatsis; Or as a result of a dysfunctional breathing pattern; Or after an acute illness requiring surgery or a stay in hospital. Respiratory physiotherapy can help with symptoms such as Excessive secretions, Breathlessness at rest or on exertion, Reduced exercise ability or function due to shortness of breath. Respiratory physiotherapy can help with symptoms such as: • Excessive secretions • Breathlessness at rest or on exertion • Reduced exercise ability or function due to shortness of breath. Physiotherapy treatment techniques: • Education and advice about the condition • Breathing exercises to clear mucous • Postural drainage. • Adjuncts such as flutter / acapella / pep • Manual therapy • Exercise advice • Breathless management • Exercise regime such as pulmonary rehabilitation A typical course of therapy is 2 – 3 sessions. The physiotherapist will teach you ways to best manage your condition yourself or with the help of your family so that you do not need to see physiotherapy regularly. If your exercise tolerance is affected, then pulmonary rehabilitation may be beneficial which a course over 6 weeks. Dysfunctional breathing Patterns What is it? When we breath it should be: Relaxed From your lower lungs Without needing to think about it. (Subconscious effort) However sometimes our breathing pattern can alter. This can be as a result of stress, pain, underlying lung disease or infections. When our breathing pattern is altered, we no longer breath as effectively. This can then cause symptoms such as: • Breathless ness after light exertion • Unable to take a big breath in • Chest and thoracic pain • Stomach cramps • Palpitations • Frequent yawning / sighing / throat clearing After a thorough Assessment a treatment Exercise program is prescribed tailored to your individual problems. This programme may include: • Education and advice regarding your possible trigger • Education and advice regarding your pattern of breathing • Breathing control techniques, when exercising, talking • Mechanical work to address any stiffness or pain • Relaxation (Home Visits available)
Cancellation Policy
Please give us at least 24hrs Notice for any cancellations, If not charges may apply (£22)
Contact Details
127 The Moor, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, UK