#rehab #InjuryPrevention #strength&Conditioning #PhysioWorks
Injury Prevention Tips for Dancers
• Proper training is essential to allow dancers to develop their skills without injury.
• Take adequate rest to allow the body to heal itself from daily wear and tear.
• Maintain energy levels by eating healthy
• Conditioning and strengthening of the leg muscles that support the foot arch are crucial.
• Try to avoid dancing on hard or uneven surfaces, which may cause injury.
• Take care of your shoes!
• Dancers should adopt new training schedules slowly.
• Stretching before and after the training (30sec)
• Off stage or out of class, wear supportive footwear, and if you need to wear orthotics, wear them as often as possible.
• If dancers perform excessive pointe or demi-pointe work one day, they should focus on other types of work during the next workout.
• Early recognition of symptoms is important. Stop activity if pain or swelling occurs. If the pain persists after a few days rest, consult a Physiotherapist.